Reading comes to us in phases now. It's like craving a piece of chocolate cake. Once you see it, you gotta have it. No other dessert would do. But when you've had it, you can go for months on end without it. Because life distracts and deprives us of this pleasure, it comes with full force. Binge reading. We lie in bed for...
It's been so many things. Through time and space. I don't always think about it, but I know this affair runs deep. My first memory of it was of dad drinking it, on cozy winter nights. It would have a lot of froth, and Beatles would always be playing in the background. For years later, every time I looked at coffee, Beatles would...
I have come down with a cold. It's a strange kind of cold. Usually everything with a cold is supposed to be fuzzy and spaced out. But my mind has been functioning fairly reasonably as my body has gone weaker and weaker. I know I just need rest, and I’ll be okay. Perhaps these seasonal colds are reminder from nature to just slow...
It’s cloudy outside and the house is quiet today. I make myself mocha and sit in the sunroom but don't hear a single sound. No neighbors, no traffic, not even the wind. It rained all night and now its just still. Still and wet. There is no sun in the sunroom, but what it has is my favorite light. That perfect-for-photography diffused light...
It has been a long while, and I never meant it to be. I had hoped to fill these pages with life and her wonderfulness, because there is so much of it. I hope to do so shortly but for now I must just write what my heart is asking me to write. But know dear friends, if you are still here, that...