Magic in Life.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

I have been dreaming again. You know, the forbidden kind. We are quick to blame the world. Someone - something must have done something that this terrible tragedy happened. Someone must have forbidden it on me to not dream. Something must have happened. I wondered about that for so long.

But really, it was me. I don't remember exactly when, but at some point, I forbade myself to dream. I don't know how but I settled for mediocrity. I took off my rose colored glasses and saw the world as it was and decided that dreaming wasn't worth it anymore. Things weren't going to get any better than they were and living in reality means accepting it. Eyes on the road, feet on the ground. Let's follow the path. Let's not make it. Let's not pretend like someday we'll be flown off our feet. Let's not give love too much thought. It is, but a dream. Let's hope that someone will take pity on us and walk with us for a while, and that would be enough.

The magic in life - the magic that makes you breathe and bleed, it is but an illusion. A child's play. A party trick. But God, almighty God, isn't that the most beautiful thing you have ever seen - ever felt? Dreaming about magic, dreaming about the possibility that you could be better than who you are right now, dreaming about a whiff of happiness. Dreaming that your life could matter. 

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  1. Anonymous1:59 AM

    Drooling in dreams. Raaajiii rocks again..:)

  2. Well nothing is forbidden.. you got to Dream to make then true so nothing wrong ..

    and its not COULD .. it always MAtters


  3. How can you forbid dreams?If you forbid, the dreams tend to be sweeter than ever before !

  4. Ahhh... I took off my rose colored glasses and stop dreaming :'(

    I had to protect myself, maybe I should get them back... as painful ad they can be at times...

    1. You should my dear. You definitely should :-). Consider this a sign.

  5. I like the idea of nothingness and dreaming is good too. Also, world is full of love but sometimes we just want more. We tend to strive for better but in that struggle we leave what can be best but what in our eyes at that time is underrated.

  6. Oh how these dreams destroy us.

  7. Have you read my inner turmoil.. That's my state of mind these days.. Sometimes hopeless & dreamless yet keeping a little teeny-weeny hope from the Almighty's plans..
    Hope all our dreams come true... Beautifully written post...

    1. I hope you feel better soon. Sending positive thoughts your way :-).

  8. " I took off my rose colored glasses and saw the world as it was and decided that dreaming wasn't worth it anymore."

    this is so me :)
    Reading you after very long and finding the same excellency in post and expression that had always inspired me.

    1. Aww, thank you. I hope you keep reading.

  9. Put those rose-colored glasses back on, and don't ever take them off again as long as you live :)

  10. Very well written, and yes life does show you miracles. It seems like it happened in a day, but you know that all this while you were the one who paved the way for it

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